Start new friendships and find common ground with PenPals around the world through handwritten letters.

What’s a penpal?


A person with whom one becomes friendly by exchanging letters, especially someone in a foreign country whom one has never met.

How does penpals work?

Introduce yourself, personalize your lettre to show someone who you are, and get ready to send to a penpal!



Every penpal lettre gets sent to a continent of your choosing, so choose where you want Pippin to go!

Pippin will make sure your lettre reaches someone. If they reply...congrats, you’ve just made a penpal!



Head to the Penpals tab to read lettres from people all over the world!

Write in any script, any language and draw or doodle to your heart’s desire.

Collect stamps from other regions!

Every time you get a reply from a penpal from another part of the world, their replies come with unique stamps that aren’t available to you. Write to penpals, grow your collection!